Trains from Coimbatore to Mangalore

cbe to MloreCoimbatore, being an important centre in the southern state of Tamil Nadu is well connected to all the important cities located in the neighboring states. Mangalore in one among them and is well connected to the city of Coimbatore with frequent trains.

Find below the comprehensive list of trains from Coimbatore to Mangalore along with train name, train number, train fare details, train schedule and so on.

List of Trains from Coimbatore to Mangalore (no transit)

Train Name and Number: Bikaner Ac Exp (22476)
Departs: 3:20 PM from Coimbatore Junction (CBE)
Arrives: 10:20 PM at Mangalore Junction (MJN)
Fares: 1A - Rs.1485, 2A - Rs. 885, 3A - Rs. 635
Schedule: Operates on Sat

Train Name and Number: Ten Dr Express (22630)
Departs: 3:10 PM from Coimbatore Junction (CBE)
Arrives: 10:20 PM at Mangalore Junction (MJN)
Fares: 2A - Rs. 885, 3A - Rs. 635, SL - Rs. 250
Schedule: Operates on Wed

Train Name and Number: Navyug Express (16688)
Departs: 3:05 PM from Coimbatore Junction (CBE)
Arrives: 10:45 PM at Mangalore Cntl (MAQ)
Fares: 2A - Rs. 825, 3A - Rs. 580, SL - Rs. 215
Schedule: Operates on Sun

Train Name and Number: Intercity Exp (22610)
Departs: 6:20 AM from Coimbatore Junction (CBE)
Arrives: 1:40 PM at Mangalore Cntl (MAQ)
Fares: CC - Rs.510, 2S - Rs. 145
Schedule: Operates on all 7 days

Train Name and Number: Mangalore Exp (12685)

Departs: 12:35 AM from Podanur Junction (PTJ)
Arrives: 8:30 AM at Mangalore Cntl (MAQ)
Fares: 1A - Rs. 1435, 2A - Rs. 855, 3A - Rs. 615, SL - Rs. 240
Schedule: Operates on all 7 days

Train Name and Number:  Ms Mangalore Ex (16859)
Departs: 11:00 AM from Coimbatore Junction (CBE)
Arrives: 9:50 PM at Mangalore Cntl (MAQ)
Fares: 1A - Rs. 1385, 2A - Rs. 825, 3A - Rs. 580, SL - Rs. 215, 2S - Rs.130
Schedule: Operates on all 7 days

Train Name and Number: Mangalore Exp (16857)
Departs: 1:35 AM from Coimbatore Junction (CBE)
Arrives: 9:50 AM at Mangalore Cntl (MAQ)
Fares: 2A - Rs. 825, 3A - Rs. 580, SL - Rs. 215
Schedule: Operates on Sun

Train Name and Number: West Coast Exp (16627)
Departs: 8:00 PM from Coimbatore Junction (CBE)
Arrives: 4:20 AM (day 2) at Mangalore Cntl (MAQ)
Fares: 2A - Rs. 825, 3A - Rs. 580, SL - Rs. 215, FC - Rs.675
Schedule: Operates on all 7 days

Train Name and Number: Maq Vivek Exp (22851)
Departs: 1:20 AM from Coimbatore Junction (CBE)
Arrives: 9:50 AM at Mangalore Cntl (MAQ)
Fares: 2A - Rs. 870, 3A - Rs. 625, SL - Rs. 245
Schedule: Operates on Sat

Train Name and Number: Mangalore Exp (16855)
Departs: 1:20 AM from Coimbatore Junction (CBE)
Arrives: 9:50 AM at Mangalore Cntl (MAQ)
Fares: 2A - Rs. 825, 3A - Rs. 580, SL - Rs. 215
Schedule: Operates on Fri

Train Name and Number: Mangalore Mail (12601)
Departs: 3:45 AM from Podanur Junction (PTJ)
Arrives: 12:20 PM at Mangalore Cntl (MAQ)
Fares: 2A - Rs. 855, FC - Rs. 710, 3A - Rs. 615, SL - Rs. 240
Schedule: Operates on all 7 days

Train Name and Number: Kcg Maq Spl (07606)
Departs: 2:10 AM from Coimbatore Junction (CBE)
Arrives: 11:20 AM at Mangalore Cntl (MAQ)
Fares: 2A - Rs. 825, 3A - Rs. 580, SL - Rs. 215
Schedule: Operates on Wed

List of Trains from Coimbatore to Mangalore (one transit)

Train Name and Number: Ernakulam Exp (12677)
Departs: 1:10 PM from Coimbatore Junction (CBE)
Arrives: 3:23 PM at Thrisur (TCR)
Fares: CC - Rs.295, 2S - Rs. 80
Wait time: 37 minutes
Train Name and Number: Porbandar Exp (19261)
Departs: 4:00 PM from Thrisur (TCR)
Arrives: 10:20 PM at Mangalore Junction (MJN)
Fares: 2A - Rs. 740, 3A - Rs. 520, SL - Rs. 195
Schedule: Operates on Sun

Train Name and Number: Ernakulam Exp (12677)
Departs: 1:10 PM from Coimbatore Junction (CBE)
Arrives: 3:23 PM at Thrisur (TCR)
Fares: CC - Rs.295, 2S - Rs. 80
Wait time: 57 minutes
Train Name and Number: Madgaon Express (10216)
Departs: 4:20 PM from Thrisur (TCR)
Arrives: 10:25 PM at Mangalore Junction (MJN)
Fares: 1A - Rs. 1310, 2A - Rs.785, 3A - Rs. 565, SL - Rs. 225
Schedule: Operates on Mon

Train Name and Number: Tata Allp Exp (18189)
Departs: 12:10 PM from Coimbatore Junction (CBE)
Arrives: 3:15 PM at Shoranur Junction (SRR)
Fares : 2A - Rs.665, 3A - Rs .470, SL - Rs. 135
Wait time: 2 hours
Train Name and Number: Porbandar Exp (19261)
Departs: 5:15 PM from Shoranur Junction (SRR)
Arrives: 10:20 PM at Mangalore Junction (MJN)
Fares: 2A - Rs. 695, 3A - Rs. 485, SL - Rs. 185
Schedule: Operates on Sun

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